Final Blog Post (Music 200X) by Trenton Woods

Trenton's Final Blog Music's ability to cope with emotions Personally music has always been a good way to get unwanted things off of my chest. Music has that ability to shift are emotions for the better and is something that I have utilized in the past. As I learned at a young age, music can change your mood from bad to good and good to great. When you have song that are relatable to your situation, it gives you that sense that you are not alone with the adversity you are dealing with at the given time. Give Heaven Some Hell by Hardy This song right here is about a group of friends that have lost a member of there group. I can relate to this song by knowing that a person is living their best life from up above. This song gives me a comfortable feeling from the unfortunate loss that I experienced. This song is by Hardy and his crew released in the US in 2020 to help people cope with the fact of losing a close buddy or fa...